Häufige Fragen

License Point®


Was it Lizenz Point?

With an online shop, you can purchase digital software from original software with 60% of the normal market price, with a lifetime warranty on all software with untouched software. We love the Product/Software solution sofort after Zahlungseingang.

Where is it fair?

Beim Kauf erhalten Sie die ESD-Lizenz ausschließlich in electronic form. The Installations CD, the Handbook and the Packaging were not changed. Were braucht es wirklich? Außerdem, die Lizenzen in großen Mengen erworben. You can also save costs and receive a reasonable price offer.

Should I register for the purchase?

If you wish to subscribe to the newsletter, you can receive a discount code of 10% if you wish to receive the first order of 25% if you wish to receive your order. We are able to understand our skills with 7/10, so we will be able to buy them as soon as possible. Worauf warten Sie noch? Report See for our Newsletter!

Are you afraid that you could not install the software?

Machen Sie sich keine Sorgen. We offer special care services 24/7.

If you would like to contact us, please contact us via our email address: info@lizenzpoint.com, or via the chat on the right.

License Point®


Who can buy it?

With the program you can buy, you can buy the product and click on the "Jetzt buy" . Follow the instructions given by the images and presentation of the weighted assessment method. You could purchase with Stripe® or PayPal® , your night was safe.

Which Zahlungsarten were accepted?

We accept all credit card transactions from the most important credit card providers (such as VISA, MasterCard, etc.), we accept additional payment options from Apple Pay/Google Pay. The security is ensured by the Zahlungsanbieter Stripe® gewährleistet, there is 100% SSL-verschlüsselten Schutz gegen all Arten von Cyberangriffen bietet. We can accept payment via PayPal® and SEPA payment.

License Point®


Who can take active products from my account?

These products are available within 6 days after the purchase. This activity can last a little longer. If you have any problems, you can contact us by e-mail: info@lizenzpoint.com or about the chat on our website.

Would I like to have that Lizenz not there?

If you have purchased your products, please contact us via our email address: info@lizenzpoint.com or via the chat on the right.

License Point®


Who is there to have a Rückerstattung for my purchase?

Please contact us for further information by e-mail with: info@lizenzpoint.com or via the website chat. In the context of the underlying principles and conditions and the statutory provisions , we are responsible for the treatment of the treatment method that we have for our purchase.

Was I passionate about purchasing the falsche product?

If the product is different, it is possible to use a different product or a more efficient solution. It is important to know that the products are ready to be purchased. If you are not satisfied with the product, contact us as soon as possible. If you wish to cancel your order, you can order the product correctly. Other problems, which were not mentioned in the FAQ.